Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Makowlec - Polish Poppy Seed Swirl Cake

This Friday night we are going our Polish friends place for dinner and I volunteered to bring the desert. This is a really really nice cake, not too sweet, and 'different' because the 'cake' part of the dish is actually a sweet bread - not unlike Pan de Meurtos (Mexican 'dead bread' used during the day of the dead festivals in November).

The only problem with this recipe is that you really need a meat grinder to grind the poppy seeds. I've done it once before without the aid of a meat grinder and food processors, bar mix sticks, mortar and pestle... none work NEARLY as effectively as a meat grinder. I can now say this with confidence owing the my awesome mother who bought me one for my birthday. True to our style its not electrical, which will be great post 2012 when we have no electricity ;)

And so on to the cake!

The grinder at work!!
Ground poppy seeds looking..... appetizing...
I purposely made 6 smaller cakes, given there will be 6 of us for dinner, although it is normally one big cake.

Rolling up the cigar (note the awesome light of our kitchen...sigh)

All rolled up ready for baking :)

Makowlec - Poppy Seed Swirl Cake


There should also be a wee drizzle of lemon icing on the top of this, but I don't have any icing sugar and I am too impatient to wait till I have some to take photo's :)

Thanks Everyone!!

                                            UPDATE:  Macowiecs - the recipe!!
My polish friends advised me that this is correct spelling, and its pronounced Mik-ov-i-ets.
Argh! Why or why did I forget to post the recipe!? Oh well here it is albeit VERY late... This cake may take a while to make but it is WELL worth it  :D
It also makes a fair amount! So if you only want 4 or so portions, I’d half everything.
2tsp or 7gm dried yeast
2tsp caster sugar
½ cup luke warm water
3 ½ cup plain flour
100g caster sugar (extra)
¼ cup sour cream
2 eggs
1tsp vanilla extract
1tsp lemon rind
Oil to grease
1 ½ cup icing sugar
2-3tbs icing sugar
100g melted butter

1.     Combine yeast, sugar and ½ the milk in a bowl and let sit for 10min, covered in a tea towel (this is to activate the yeast)
2.     Combine flour, extra sugar and salt in a large bowl. Make a well in the centre and add the yeast misture, butter, sour cream, egg, vanilla, lemon rind and milk
3.     Combine and when it all comes together, turn out onto lightly floured surface, cover with empty bowl and let sit for 15-20min. (this helps the development of gluten strands)
4.     Knead for 10 min. (although the dough shouldn’t stick to the bench and leave dough behind, you don’t want so much flour it slides over the bench either. A bit of traction will help the kneading process and development of gluten strands, which will make the dough rise and prevent collapsing when cooking)
5.     Set the dough aside, either cover with tea towel, or with cling wrap until doubled in size – usually about 45min, but can be 1 ½ hours or more depending on the air temperature – faster in summer, longer in winter. (clean and lightly grease the bowl you use for proofing before adding dough, then lightly grease cling wrap – this prevents rising dough from sticking to bowl or tea towel)

Many breads are proofed twice. If you have time, gently knock back the dough once risen, then let the dough double in size again.

I’ve written the amounts as per the recipe I translated, but I have ALWAYS found that it makes twice as much filling as I need, and so I normally half all filling quantities.

500g Poppy seeds
¾ cup sugar
1tsp vanilla extract
2tbs butter
1 egg
¼ cup honey
1tsp lemon rind
¼ cup chopped walnuts
¼ cup chopped almonds
½ cup raisins (I hate raisins so I just exclude them)
2 egg whites, stiffened

6.     Place poppy seeds in a saucepan, just cover with milk, bring to the boil and let simmer for a few mins. Drain the poppy seeds and then grind into a paste using a meat mincer (Trust me! Food processors, bar mixers, mortar and pestle – none of them will actually crush the poppy seeds – I’ve tried them all!)
7.     Food process the nuts and add to ground poppy seeds
8.     Melt butter in a pan and add the nut/poppy seed mix and sugar. Simmer on a low heat for 10-15min
9.     Let cool a little and fold in egg, honey, peel raisins and egg whites. Let cool completely


10.   Turn out dough and roll into a rough rectangle (or divide into portions and then roll into rectangles – be sure to keep dough you’re not working with covered to prevent it drying out)
11.   Paste on filling, leaving a 2cm boarder. Roll and tuck edges in underneath
12.   Place on a baking tray (greased or with baking paper) and cover with a tea towel, let rise for approx 1 ½ hours
13.   Bake in a 350 degree F  (about 180 C) oven for 40-50mins
14.   Combine icing sugar and lemon juice to taste, to make an icing. If serving cold, let the bread cool before icing, if serving warm, drizzle icing over before serving.

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